Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Free auto insurance quotes when you change your jobs

There are several unchanging questions in the forms we have to fill in to get automated insurance quotes. After age and sex, we have to give our level of education and state the current employment. Why ask about employment? The answer is one of the statistical links between the type of work we do and our attitude to driving. For example, doctors, teachers, engineers and scientists drive more safely than average, i.e. they are involved in fewer accidents and make less expensive claims. The other end of the spectrum is occupied by people in the entertainment industry, stock brokers and higher level bankers, and so on. It’s the difference between the quiet analytical people and the more brash and aggressive people who want to show off. In the middle are the thousands of manual and administrative jobs. Some will involve higher risks because they depend on driving more miles as a sales representative or delivery driver, or the driving is done at more dangerous times of the day or night.

Many insurers divide the different types of employment into groups representing different levels of risk. This does not always appear to match the accident statistics. For example, some drivers will have quite high numbers of minor accidents but, because of time pressures and the availability of enough cash, they will pay for repairs out of their own pockets. Remember auto insurance companies are in business to make profits and so they focus on the number and value of claims. So if you happen to have a low income and a job with more risk, you will always pay a higher premium than, say, a doctor who may have more accidents but pay for his or her own repairs.

So, when you are changing your employment and this will mean commuting at off-peak hours or it’s a desk job, not one requiring you to go out of the office, always tell the insurer immediately. The free auto insurance quotes should confirm the premium rates have fallen. Indeed, using the online sites to get free auto insurance quotes gives you the chance to find out which are the low risk jobs.

Free auto insurance quotes when you change your jobs